Friday night was Courtney's bachelorette party and it was my job as the Matron of Honor to make sure that it was AWESOME! So, we started out the night with a Pure Romance party, 106 Jello shots (22 of which were consumed by yours truly) and friends. A bunch of our sorority sisters were there, and it was a blast! We had the jello shots shaped in penis form, there were penis carrot cake cupcakes (Delish!), penis straws, and penis games. We had Mr. Party Pecker, which consists of a blow up strap on penis and three blow up rings that you attempt to hook him with and Bachelorette dare bingo. At one point, I had to put an ice cube down my pants until it melted... and trust me, it takes longer than one would think! I was adorned with a penis whistle necklace and a penis crown (which I promptly broke trying to put it on my head and the groom to be had to try to patch it together for me) and Courtney had a matching necklace to mine and a penis veil. Since the wedding colors are caribbean blue, pale yellow and white: Courtney wore white, the wedding party wore blue, and the other guests wore yellow. Clever, huh? I thought so. :)
Our Pure Romance rep, Sarah, was great and very patient with me who could not keep my mouth shut to save myself. If anyone is interested in purchasing any Pure Romance products, let me know and I'll pass you along to Sarah. This was the only point in the evening when I might have had a slight buzz... I'll touch on this later. I bought a new lubricant called 'Just Like Me' and it is super cool. It's supposed to feel natural and when it dries out, you lick it and it goes right back to being all slippery and wet. I got the blueberry flavor and it is quite tasty. :)
After our rep had packed up and everyone put in their orders, we prepared to go downtown. We started out at a smaller bar, Levels and then moved on to Rehab. Rehab has entertaining bartenders, tasty drinks, three stripper poles, a VIP area, quite a few flat screens, and a large dance floor.
The downside to this whole night? I fear that I am too old to party with my sisters. I drank more than any one person should be able to hold (22 jello shots, a hurricane, a Midori sour, a trash can, a sex on the beach and a red headed slut) and still didn't catch a decent buzz (at no fault of the bartenders, they did NOT skimp me). I really think that it was because I was worried about keeping up with my sisters and the Bride to be. Now, do not misunderstand, I had a great time! I met awesome people, partied with my favorite people, and danced on a stripper pole... does it get better? Not really. But, apparently I am at the age where I would rather sit at the bar and drink and talk to the people around me than go stumble around the dance floor. When did that happen? I've always been a good dancer and dancing is one of my favorite past times... so then when did I start preferring the bar? Then again, it wasn't packed in there so it wasn't like I was dancing for a crowd and I always prefer a performance as opposed to just shaking my rump for myself.
Anywho, then we went to Sup dogs. Now, let me set the scene. It's 2 AM, in this tiny little convenience store-turned-burger stand with like 100 drunk college kids in there and... I HAVE NEVER HAD A BETTER BURGER IN MY LIFE! No, seriously, get in your car, grab a few bucks, and drive to Greenville, NC to Sup Dogs. I ordered some kind of western cheese burger will grilled onions and bacon. The bacon was like Canadian bacon, the onions were perfect and the burger was messy and AMAZING. It was one of those burgers that was greasy and awesome in the kind of way that you never want it to end! Note: Not greasy like McD's where you kind of grimace at it... no, the kind of messy where you are just enthralled by it and you want to eat them until you cannot breathe and they stop your heart. It is THAT good. It will change your life. Yes. Change. Your. Life! And no, it wasn't the alcohol talking... sadly, as much as I had drank, at this point I was stone cold sober. It's not just 'drunk food'... its awesome, all the time, every day possible food.
We finally all made it home at roughly 3:30 AM. I crashed on the extremely drunk Bride-to-Be's couch and preceded to be tortured by her cats... who I'm am now certain are sleep deprivation terrorists. Little bastards. Cute, Furry, little bastards.
Saturday morning, specifically the ride home, was a blur for me. From home, we headed down to my grandmothers house with our four dogs in tow. Our first stop was in New Bern at the Petsmart (Very friendly staff!) and our dogs were a huge hit. Midas, my large and loveable golden Siberian Husky ate his weight in treats. Fry had never traveled like this, nor had he ever ridden in a shopping cart... or had so much attention paid to him. He handled it all very well... and loved every second! Bella, however, was disgruntled that she was in a cart with Fry and he was touching her... she's a brat like that... just like me, LOL! Bella actually prompted this stop. When we were on our way down 70, we passed the exit to my Dad's house and I asked Bella 'Do you wanna see Grand Dad?' and she cocked her little head to one side and smiled this big smile. I just said "well, that settles it' and I called my Dad to meet us in New Bern so that his Grand-Dog could see him. Who are these idiots that say that dogs don't have feelings?
We also stopped and purchased an XM radio... all I can say is 'How have I lived my life this long without one?'. I would also like to say that it has a Playboy talk channel that is not awesome. It's just... corny. You are more likely to laugh at it than be turned on.
We made it down to my Grandmothers where we spent the remainder of the weekend. Sunday we had a turkey dinner in honor of mine and my grand mothers combined birthdays. I got a few great gifts and got to spend some great time with my family.
Now, if I could just get rid of this head cold, I would be all set!
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