I could have updated my blog a hundred times and I just haven't yet... I just haven't feel like it. And, you know, I really hate when something I love turns into a chore...
At any rate, the husband is home (Yay!). He has his welcome home/birthday party and all was well. He took this last week off of work and we spent it together working on our house. The bathroom is still not remodeled (or fixed) from the storm damage (DAMMMMMIIITTT!!!!) but he says that he will need help to do it. But, we did get a lot of other things done, even if none of them were the 'Big' deal.
Let's focus on what we DID do (I need some positivity).
Inside the house:
*We replaced blinds all over the house from where the dogs had ruined them at some point or another.
*We bought a king sized bed and re-arranged and redecorated our two bedrooms in our house... and bought new bedding. This bed... HUGE. The jury is still out on whether or not it's awesome.
*We put up a few new pictures that we bought.
*We bought new scarves/curtains and put them up.
*We started the long, drawn out process of getting his Army Dress Blues ready for my friends wedding and the Cannon Ball (ECU's homecoming ball).
*I held my friends Bridal Shower here.
*We bought a new lawnmower and regained control over the jungle that was our yard.
*We planted my potted plants that needed to be put in the ground before the first freeze.
*We burned all the debris from the storm in one big bonfire (Yay, Pyro-Hubby!)
*We put up our fall decorations. So cute... will post pictures later.
*We landscaped around the remaining two trees in our yard (we did the last two a while back).
*We reinforced the rafters in the garage for more storage.
*We started framing for the concrete slab that will extend the garage.
*We bought the concrete for the slab.
We also celebrated our 3rd anniversary! Yay! Go us!
Since he's been home, I've been uncharacteristically clingy. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I was unbearably lonely while he was gone for training. Perhaps it's because I know he's looking for an overseas contracting job that will take him away for a year... and even without the odds of a contracting job, I'm sure there will be a deployment rearing it's ugly head soon enough. At any rate, I'm really glad that he is home and I'm going to enjoy my time with him.
Aside from the updates, I'm kind of in a creative slump. If you have any suggestions of topics, etc, let me know!
Until Later, dearests!
Sweet Tea and Cookies Ya'll,
Mrs. Belle
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