'My neighbor gave my 8-year-old son toy dinosaurs. I am a little shocked. She says she is a Christian, but the Bible doesn't say anything about dinosaurs. Should I let him keep them, as long as he understands that dinosaurs aren't real? Even the PBS shows that he watches talk about dinosaurs and evolution, and how the scientists found these "bones" but the Bible doesn't say that God ever created them, and the earth is only 6,000 years old, not old enough to have "bones" that they say are MILLIONS of years old! I know that Satan tries to trick us in many ways, and this is one way that he tries to fool man into believing that there isn't a God who created the universe. How can they be bones when they are made out of ROCKS? I told my son that dinosaurs are one of Satan's many ways of tricking man, and he must talk to God before he plays with them. Am I handling this right? My first 3 were all girls, and I adopted boys, and lots of mothers tell me that boys are often attracted to these dinosaurs. So I don't know what to do. Is this just harmless fantasy play for him, or should I be worried that he may go on to believe in things like evolution?'
You can find this article and the posted comments: Here
Lady. Listen. As a Christian let me start out by saying that you are making us all sound crazy. I would be more concerned with the amount of counseling that your son is going to need by the time you are done telling him that he needs to talk to God before he plays with his toys and that Satan is trying to get him.
Now, moving on from the obvious psychological issues this child is going to have, consider the face that he will have to take science classes from now until he gets a degree in college... unless, of course, Satan forbids that too. Is he expected to fail all of them? Spend time in ISS (in school suspension) or whatever his school has for either A) not paying attention lest Satan come steal him B) arguing with his teacher because 'my mommy told me that you are wrong and that you are Satan' or C) he gets bored and causes some other classroom disruption? Don't you think that the possibility of him getting discouraged in school and dropping out is a more likely leader to heathenism than him playing with dinosaurs?
Also, please take this into consideration... at his age, you should consider yourself lucky that he isn't having sex with a teacher or smoking pot. I hear they are starting younger and younger.... and I'm guessing that playing with dinosaurs is not a 'gateway' behavior for these things.
I'm finding the system flawed that they let you adopt a goldfish, let along a human child. That is coming from the point of view who doesn't like children...
Now, put down the crack pipe, embrace that women now can wear pants and shave their body hair (and if you haven't already, PLEASE do this), and stop trying to ruin your kids. Children are strange enough without sketch parents.
Or, you can do like ol' girl said in one of the comments and dunk your kid and all his 'heathen' toys in holy water. I personally like this one "Satan, is already in your house if these dinosaurs are there already. Just take the boy out to the woods and leave him, if is his following God, then he should be able to find his way back home if he doesn't come home, then Satan has him and there is nothing for you to do to him. IMO. I mean today he is playing with dinosaurs, what next." (Same Link as Above)
Sadly, she is probably taking these suggestions into consideration... that youngin' is probably wandering around in the woods as we speak.
Sweet Tea and Cookies Ya'll,
Mrs. Belle
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