Lately, I have been having to write EVERYTHING down or I will not remember it. I don't just mean Doctors appointments or work schedule... I mean EVERYTHING. If a friend wants me to ride to the air port with them, I have to write it down to A) keep up with the date and time and B) to find out if it clashes with any other obligations. Things like people coming to visit, trips to the grocery store, when the paycheck hits, veterinary appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, dates for when a show that I want to see is premiering etc. Things that I normally should be able to remember. My calender is full now... not with 'important' things, but with nonsense things that I should be able to remember without the help of writing it down.
I cannot figure out what in the hell is going on... It's not pregnancy brain (Thank you Cosmos!), nor have I suffered any kind of brain injury. It's getting to the point lately where I need to write down to remember to take the clothes out of the dryer or to remember to mail a birthday card.
There is officially no more space on my calender for this week... not schedule wise, but writing wise. I've even started layering post-it notes (which I am OBSESSED with) of various colors and shapes to help me remember what in the heck is going on. It is absolutely ridiculous and there is no reason why a younger person that is not suffering from Alzheimer's should need this much 'reminding' to do mundane items or such things as when the season premier of Jersey Shore is and then what time this weeks episode comes on and what channel. I mean, really?
Anyway, long story short, if you see my mind out, alone, lost in a bar or drinking a Midori Sour somewhere kindly tell it to return home... I need it!
Sweet Tea and Cookies, Ya'll!
Ever Forgetful,
Mrs. Belle
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