1) If you are 'chunky' then getting up and walking around the store is probably the best thing for you. Get up and WALK... you can even challenge yourself to STRETCH for those twinkies on the top shelf.
2) Leave those carts for the people who have REAL handicaps... like broken legs, etc. Quit being so selfish!
3) Less people will point and laugh at you if you are walking than if you are on one of those carts... If you are on one of those carts, you are just ASKING for someone to hum 'They see me rollin', they hatin'...' Yeah. Stop drawing attention to yourself.
Also, handicaps are generally things that are not easily fixable. You CAN diet and lose weight. Exercise. Eat better.... or break bad and hire a plastic surgeon. Whatever... The point is that likely, you got that way yourself in some shape (Ha!) or form (Double Ha!) and that you can dig yourself out of this saturated hole. I'm sure there are people that cannot help their size... to them I sincerely apologize and offer the number to a plastic surgeon. For the rest of those of us that call themselves husky, pleasantly plump, fluffy, extra beautiful, overweight, obese, chunky, carrying a few extra pounds, or have junk in their trunk, we know how we got this way. It's part of the guilt we carry and why we hate it that much more... but most of us (myself included) also do not consider it a 'handicap' or use it as such. It is those of you that do that I am directing my ire at.
Now, let me take time to clarify the people I am talking to.
If this is you, then I'm talking to you.
Now, keep in mind that this is all being typed by someone who struggles with her weight and has for a majority of her life... just like most other females on this planet. No one likes walking for miles on end while being dragged through a mall or store by their kids or friends or through an auto parts store by their husband... but we do it because A) we refuse to be like you and B) perhaps we will shed a pound and be able to reward ourselves with cake. :) So, we deal with the blisters from our cute shoes, the chaffing on the insides of our thighs (because lets face it, for most of us they touch together) and the sweat that threatens to ruin our make-up in the name of faux exercising while shopping.
So, get off of your hover round and join the rest of us... we may be sweaty and cranky while pushing our over full shopping carts, but each step is getting us closer to the ideal person we picture when we walk by a Victoria Secret shop and stare at the lingerie.
See you at the mall!
Sweet Tea and Cookies Ya'll!
Mrs. Belle
bahahahhaha LOVE THIS